
Disciplinary Open Research Data Repositories

Aims and objectives

The project „Disciplinary Open Research Data Repositories” aims to enhance access to academic resources by making them available in open research data repositories, as well as to improve the quality of shared data and metadata and to facilitate their better use. This is possible by developing three repositories: a general-purpose repository and two domain-specific repositories for social data and crystallographic data.


As a result, over 600 datasets (400 social datasets, 200 crystallographic datasets and at least 20 other research datasets) are made available.

All repositories are based on a modified version of Dataverse – an open-source research data repository software. In the future, it will also be much easier to create new domain-specific repositories based on the software developed as part of the project, which is available at GitHub (https://github.com/CeON/dataverse).

Research Data Repositories

Repository for Open Data RepOD is a general-purpose repository for open research data, offering scholars the possibility to deposit their datasets. The purpose of the repository is to make available in the Internet research data, such as tables, photographs, audiovisual material, and any other types of data created, collected, or annotated for academic research. The Repository is open for everyone to use.

Social Data Repository RDS is a domain-specific digital repository of social data. The purpose of the repository is to make available in the Internet social data, consisting of data sets and accompanying technical or methodological documentation. The Repository is open for everyone to use.

Macromolecular Xtallography Raw Data Repository MX-RDR is a domain-specific digital repository of raw diffraction data collected for macromolecular crystals. It includes tools simplifying metadata descriptions by combining information extracted directly from diffraction images, obtained from the PDB database and/or user input. The Repository is open for everyone to use.

All repositories are technically operated by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw.

Communication and training

Also, a series of research data management workshops is conducted as a part of the project. The training programme consists of two parts. The first covers practical aspects of the research data management such as the preparation of data for sharing in accordance with the requirements of research funding organisations, FAIR principles and good practices. The second part, devoted to legal aspects of research data management, covers research data as the subject of legal regulations, including intellectual property law, General Data Protection Regulation and commercialisation of research results, as well as the use of free and open licences (Creative Commons and Open Data Commons).

Other promotional and educational activities carried out within the project include preparing brochures on various aspects of research data (available in Polish): legal aspects of research data sharing, selection and preparation of research data for sharing and use of scientific resources in data repositories.

Beneficiaries and partners

The project is run by two units of the University of Warsaw (Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling and Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies) in partnership with the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.


The Digital Poland Project Centre (Centrum Projektów Polska Cyfrowa) granted a subsidy of PLN 4 998 889 for the implementation of the project. This amount includes funds from European funds in the amount of PLN 4 230 559,76 and from the state budget in the amount of PLN 768 329,24.


If you have any questions about the project please send us an email at drodb@icm.edu.pl